Thursday 17 July 2014

Macquarie Street, heritage plaque

This commemorative plaque is located along the footpath Macquarie Street near the state parliament building. These brass heritage plaques around the city commemorate heritage buildings, lost buildings from the past and some proposed buildings that were never built. This elaborate building was planned in 1888 to be built by 1901 but the plans were never realised.
Linked to: Signs, Signs


  1. Around here some jerk would try to steal it for scrap! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. I hardly ever stop to read these, it is easier to read here. Our current Parliament building was a prefab shipped out from the Old Dart.

  3. I enjoy reading plaques and enjoy as much photographing them.


  4. That is a wonderful idea! The odds are on them disappearing here too unfortunately as the scrap prices rise.

  5. The odds of finding one not defaced with bird droppings or gum are also rare. But, I also read them and photograph when i see one.

  6. A beautiful creation, I love that plate!

  7. Interesting that even unrealised buildings are given a plaque. A great idea.

  8. This is fascinating . . . a plaque to recognize a building that was never built! (And, as several others have said, a beautiful plaque like that wouldn't last a week around here!)

  9. Seems rather odd... but very interesting.


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