Tuesday 15 February 2011

Mortdale, Masonic Centre

Woronora Lodge, built in 1922, was the Masonic Temple on Cook Street, in the southern suburb of Mortdale. This is a historical photo now, since the building was demolished recently. Despite protests from the National Trust Register and local residents who wanted to preserve it, the local council decided it had no heritage value and plans to build a car park for the local shopping area on this site.


  1. I can't imagine what justification there could be for demolishing this building. A car park!

    1. No respect for the past history...idiots

  2. Ouch ... it's another building that got demolished. My old school Maroubra Bay High School also got demolished and (I heard) it's been replaced with a mall.

  3. Ah, yes, another parking lot just what we all need! That is so sad! But it is happening in more and more places!!


  4. The Masonic Lodges all have an unusual monolithic look. Sorry to see this one has come down.

  5. Car parks - who needs them! I guess it's all about position-poaition-position.
    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  6. no heritage value? and in its place they build a car park instead?

    signs of the times? i don't like that!

  7. Damn, seems myopic councils are having their wicked way with our history and heritage all over the place, grrrr.

  8. Such a shame the building was demolished.

  9. An interesting mean to measure time and life.
    Remains to be seen whether the car park will live as long ...

    Please have a good week ahead.

    daily athens

  10. Oh that is dreadful. Where I live we are ripping up car parks to build high rise apartment buildings. We need the car parks more than the extra people.

  11. 'Paved paradise and put a parking lot' one of my favourite songs it says it all:)

  12. A car park! Yay for governments everywhere, the idiots.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  13. Masonic Lodge in Mysore, is located on palace land, presumably, gifted by the Maharaja, who was a Freemason. http://books.google.co.in/books?id=D-cCeOEXGyoC&pg=RA1-PA285&lpg=RA1-PA285&dq=masonic+lodge+mysore+maharaja&source=bl&ots=thylZ8LFcV&sig=EWQuCXs26CBdMLDBA2M8lszOVE0&hl=en&ei=KQJaTffVIITz4Qalx5ToCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&sqi=2&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=masonic%20lodge%20mysore%20maharaja&f=false

  14. A sad story - makes it a valuable photo.


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