Saturday, 4 April 2009

Hurstville Grove, Oatley Bay

This view of the mangroves and trees at Hurstville Grove is from Oatley Bay. The sunset shots that I featured yesterday were taken from the middle of these mangroves.


  1. Amazing the difference that time-of-day makes, Jim. This is a lovely part of Sydney that I do not know at all. However, I do like mangroves: something about being close to the primordial slime!!

  2. Looks so much like Florida's mangroves.

  3. Jacob beat me to it. It does look a lot like the Florida mangroves. I don't suppose there are manatees (sea cows) in there. I always enjoyed seeing them when I lived in Ft. Lauderdale.

  4. Manatees are called Dugongs here, but they're only found off the northern and western coasts of Australia. The waters around Sydney might be too cool for them. Also, this bay is a fair way upstream on the Georges River and I don't think there are any creatures that big this far up the river. The river empties into Botany Bay and there are often dolphins, sharks and even whales spotted there.

  5. It´s so odd for me to see trees growing from the water or at least that´s the way it seems.

    From the scenes I would say that it would be great to have a hut in Botany bay...(ignore this if the reference doesn´t say anything to you.)

  6. Love the mangroves and the water; beautiful area. There is something so special about mangroves and they are important for the fish;
    I wish they could be planted in the many canals on the Gold Coast. The canals would look so much more natural.

  7. Great photos you have on your blog, nice seeing a bit of your world.

    Sunsets and water are always fab and I just love the car planter!

  8. What a beautiful site! I would guess that it's an interesting place to visit any time of the year.

  9. Great photos! thanks for visiting my site.

  10. Great photos...brings back cherished memories of when my sister and I would visit my grandparents place there on Waitara Pde.. and go fossicking around the bay....Thankyou for sharing!!


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