Saturday 27 June 2009

The Rocks, Vivid Sydney, flowers and rainbow

These colourful Smart Light installations were located within close proximity of each other at The Rocks, near Circular Quay. Vessel of (Horti) Cultural Plenty (labove) by Warren Langleys was located at Cadman Park and Rainbow (below) by Mark Hammer and Andre Kecskes was outside the Billich Gallery.


  1. More amazing photos of 'VIVID SYDNEY' fabulous!!

  2. your photos are all and my blogs are following you now..
    feel free to follow mine...thanks..
    Euro Travel
    Explore Germany
    Discover USA
    Euroangel Graffiti

  3. You wrote ages ago that the plain Georgian architecture was copied from English architecture and was part of an attempt to build respectable government buildings in the new colony. I think they achieved that beautifully and I am delighted it was restored as a museum.


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