Saturday 29 August 2009

Bicentennial Park, entrance

This entrance to Bicentennial Park is along Australia Avenue, in the western suburb of Homebush Bay. It features a lattice clock tower and fence. The trees behind the clock tower are the ones that could be seen in my photo of the lake here.


  1. Thanks for showing all these nice places around Sydney; otherwise I would think it is just a concrete jungle!

  2. Much like the Treliage tower--same architect? Interesting contrast with the modernist tower and analog clock.

  3. I enjoyed visiting this park through your photos. It looks balmy there - the flags seem to be blowing in the breeze.

  4. What a beautiful park ---- great place to play with your camera, too! Thanks for sharing your photos! And many thanks for visiting my lighthouse today.

  5. Nice and airy looking ... and such a blue sky.....

  6. the clock tower is neat. thanks for linking up!


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