Wednesday 26 August 2009

Bicentennial Park, Lake Belvedere

The picturesque Lake Belvedere at Bicentennial Park, in the western suburb of Homebush Bay, was previously a rubbish tip. 
Linked to: Watery Wednesday


  1. Looks like a very well looked-after spot in the sun, especially with the tidy half-moon of trees in the background.

  2. Wonderful image, I love the half-moon trees also.

  3. A beautiful lake. All of your Bicentennial Park photos are wonderful. I particularly like the one of the wetlands.

  4. I can see myself picnicking and reading a book in the grassy area in the background.

  5. What a BEAUTIFUL spot ... especially knowing it was once used for refuse. We have a stretch of shoreline once known as 'tin-can' beach that has been reclaimed and renamed Bolsa Chica. You'd never know it was once an eyesore filled with hazards. Thanks for dropping by my Watery post at Sacred Ruminations.
    Hugs and blessings,

  6. Wow that's far from being a dump now. It is a wonderful park and great for the environment!

  7. Ow I remember when they were building Homebush for the olympics, I used to live in Meadowbank and would often go check out the massive amount of building works.
    Thanks for taking me back all those years, its hard to believe what was there before they built this all.

  8. oh my goodness, i'm so glad they converted it - it looks much better as a beautiful lake!

  9. Looks a lot more interesting out there than I imagined.

  10. And thank you for visiting mine!
    Beautiful picture on yours here, Bicentennial Park is just the kind of place we love to find.
    One of our favorite places for birdwatching is in Arcadia CAlifornia and it is actually a drainage lagoon, but they have made it into a beautiful canal and waterway.

  11. Thats a huge improvment over a dump. I wonder why the trees are in a semi circle maybe its from the olympics.

  12. A beautiful place! Nice that an old rubbish tip can be transformed it to something as beautiful as this! Love the half-moon of trees!

  13. This is certainly so much different from the world I knew as Homebush Bay when I lived in Sydney! I never thought I would say that it looks beautiful! Great photo!

  14. That is truely a splendid spot to laze around. Beautiful!

  15. Nice hedge of Pencil Pines. Nice shot too.

  16. It is hard to believe! They really did do a great job.

  17. I have been looking at all your shots, they are just wonderful.

  18. They did pretty well cleaning up! The shape of the trees look like an amphitheater!

  19. Lovely picture. The semi-circle of trees make it interesting and the two waster birds as well.


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