Friday 2 October 2009

Tom Uglys Bridge

Tom Uglys Bridge carries the Princes Highway over the Georges River. People were amused by the name of this bridge a few weeks ago, when I mentioned that it was in the distance of one of my sunset shots, so I took a few shots up close last week on a partly cloudy day. I explained the origins of the curious name "Tom Uglys" in my post yesterday. This view includes the northbound lanes on the 1937 truss bridge, the pedestrian walkway and one of the pylons. I was standing at the southernmost point of Blakehurst, looking south towards Sylvania.


  1. Looks like a spectacular day when you went out shooting. Great capture.

  2. I love how the walk way just draws your eye into the picture.

    Great shot.

  3. Great looking day and a super shot!

    Have a great weekend!


  4. Interesting bridge and the derivation of the dust around then!

  5. Annie, I actually took this photo on the day we had the second dust storm, which was not as as spectacular as the first. This was around midday and the dust had cleared by then but it was still really windy and the water below was really choppy.

  6. Beautiful bright sky and some cool architecture!

  7. It's a beautiful bridge to be named ugly...of course might mean something with the S on it. Great skywatch shot.

  8. Wonderful photo and a beautiful sky. Thanks for sharing the Ugly Bridge. Sorry I just had to say that.

  9. I love how everything fits together. Nice shot.

  10. Great Picture, it's a rather funny name for a not so ugly bridge...

  11. Nice shot...its a great bridge and a beautiful sky to go with it...

  12. Great. The lines just automatically lead the view towards the end of the bridge.

  13. I love this shot. The detail on the bridge is really great.

  14. Great day for a drive... and I love going over bridges! Don't like driving under them though ;o)
    Happy Weekend to you! Maria

  15. Great story of the name and a very nice bridge view!

  16. nice shot- i love the juxtaposition of the two styles

  17. I think Tom Ugly's Bridge is really quite handsome. Nice shot...

  18. I don't think Tom's bridge is Ugly at all. :)
    We have many of those truss bridges crossing our waterways. I think they have much more character than the newer spans.
    Love the old stone pillar as well.

    Carletta’s Captures.

  19. wonderful capture and interesting structure

  20. great capture.

    congraTS AND hAVE A Nice WEEKEND

  21. Great details on your shot and beautiful sky.

  22. Nice shot of this oddly name bridge with a beautiful sky for a backdrop!

  23. Great photo, makes me want to head over the bridges. Now I need to read your prior post to find out why it's Tom Uglys bridge :)

  24. Looks remarkably familiar! Travelled over this bridge many times. My great aunt owned the hotel right by the bridge on the Blakehurst end. When she died, the Air Force Association raffled the hotel and I don't know what happened to it since. This was back in the days when you had to travel 50 miles on a Sunday in order to get an alcoholic drink! Drinking and driving were not a problem, apparently.

  25. Elaine coolowl, I believe that hotel was knocked down and replaced by a block of flats.


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