Monday 30 November 2009

Haymarket, Railway Square

This building at Railway Square, Haymarket was one of the old Marcus Clark Department store buildings. These days it has become a youth hostel. The contemporary sculpture light tower is one of four installed at Railway Square in 1999.


  1. Lots of good Sydney subjects on the site. That hostel is looking like a good idea, I heard bacpackers are here in hugh numbers this year. out of curiousity, I took a look at another hostel, beside the railway platform behind the ?ex-post office/hotel, it was different!

  2. Compared to the original photo, the Marcus Clark building seems to have survived well. It used to have some kiosk-like decorative elements on the top that have disappeared, but probably noone saw them much in any case.

    But the trams!!! What a shame for Sydney, losing its trams.

  3. I noticed those missing decorations too Hels. I'm curious to know why they were removed.

  4. Not keen on any of the sculptures in Railway Square, Jim. Not particularly artisic, IMHO.

  5. I just love old buildings like this one!

  6. Interesting looking building.


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