Saturday 7 November 2009

Kurnell, Solander Monument

The Solander Monument at sunset, on the shore of Botany Bay at Kurnell. Daniel Solander was a Swedish botanist who accompanied Captain James Cook, the English explorer, navigator and cartographer on the first recorded European expedition, to navigate and map the eastern coastline of Australia. The south headland of Botany Bay is called Solander Point and this monument was erected by the Swedish community in 1914.


  1. Beautiful color, love the orange theme.

    By the way, is it too early for you to post at this minute? What is the time up there?

  2. The light and color is just stunning in this shot!

  3. Jim, your shots continue to be fabulous!

    Thank you for visiting My Muskoka !

    So nice that you leave your URL in your 'comment'. It makes it easy to find you!

  4. I like Sydney one of the most beautifull towns in the World

    I visited Sydney in February 2009.

    your shots are exellent

  5. Lovely morning light behind this one, Jim. I like the lights of Port Botany twinkling in the background.

  6. Wonderful sky, lighting and mood in that photo!

  7. Beautiful light in this and yesterday's.

  8. BeachLike, I often schedule my posts to be launched early in the morning because I don't get a chance to get to my computer until later in the day.
    Julie, it was actually the evening light. I took this photo and the sunset one posted yesterday, on the same day.

  9. hi there! thanks for visiting. :)

    i've scrolled down and you have so much stunning sky to share.

    have a great weekend!

  10. Nice photo full of colour and the light reflecting on the monuement is so well captured.

  11. simply beautifully captured shot...lovely!

  12. Hello,

    I am enjoying your posts very much. I know very little about Australian history and am anxious to learn more. Your blog is making this much easier.

  13. It looks very still and has a sombre feel to it. Perhaps due to the darker shades in the foreground. What medium was used for the monument - sandstone?
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  14. Loved knowing about your part of the world .. soothing colors :)

  15. Interesting.
    History and SW together :-)
    It is beautifully captured.

  16. He was swedish, was he? One of the best countries in the world if I my say. ;) Very warm and lovely colours.

  17. That's just like the Swedes...nose their way into the mapping of Australia just like they did in Minnesota! ;-))

    Very nice monument, but the photo is outstanding.

  18. Like the light. This monument, some water and a sunset, a nice place to take photos on. Different light every time, I presume.

  19. That red rock in the pink glow is wonderful - liked your SWF sunset photo, too.

  20. BlossomFlowerGirl, I believe it is made of sandstone.

  21. We have a Botany downs, may be Captain Cook name it also.

    This monument looks like a chimney. Is it all red bricks.

    I shall try to watch the Rafters this week.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.