Sunday 10 January 2010

Camperdown, monument

A monument sits in the middle of a fountain, in the middle of an island, in the middle of Lake Northam, in the middle of Victoria Park, in the inner city suburb of Camperdown. Erected in 1967, the monument is a replica of the yacht Barrenjoey, to honour William H. Northam and his crew who became gold medal winners in the 5.5 metre yachting event at the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.


  1. hi.. just dropping by here... have a nice day!

  2. When you show photos of Chippendale, it brings back memories of my first awareness of that word. I learned as a child in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, that there is a style of furniture called Chippendale because I asked my parents about the meaning of a large sign and cartoon that was painted on the wall of a store that sold modern furniture. The sign declared "Goodbye Mr. Chippendale."

  3. Beautifully composed photo. Sometimes I wish summer was here.

  4. Here is the old pedant again! Shoot me down if I am wrong.

    I thought Chippendale was bordered by Lee Street, Cleveland, City Road and Broadway and that as soon as you crossed over City Road you entered Camperdown. Some of the suburbs in the inner city are incredibly small. Chippendale and Darlington are two of them.

    I love Dave's comment which combines the furniture and the film!

  5. Julie, I stand corrected. You're absolutely right. I got mixed up because that intersection is where Chippendale meets Camperdown, Glebe and Ultimo. I've changed my post's heading.

    Dave, I'll have some more shots around Chippendale soon.

  6. I enlarged the photo and I'm glad I did!

  7. In the middle of the night, nearly middle of the months, it was of great joy to "escape" into the scenery of your photography after a long day. Please have a wonderful Sunday.

  8. That is beautifully scenic! Amazing bright blue sky and puffy clouds always enhance a lovely scene.

  9. Lovely place - the sky would make a great skywatch pic too!!!

  10. That is just a beautiful photo. I've never seen anything like it before. Well done and thanks for sharing my friend :)

  11. Love the sculpture/monument in the middle... must be nice when the fountain is on, especially on a hot day.

    Hope you r having a nice weekend, E

  12. very scenic indeed. perfect shot! thanks for the infos and happy SS!

  13. Great attributes for the champions! Lovely shot Jim.

    My first shadow and weekend memes here Ma'am.

  14. What a beautiful place! Now, I know a few places around Sydney through your posts.. Thanks for sharing..

  15. In the middle of the day
    Thansks for sharing!

  16. This is a perfect place for a the middle of!! Take care!!//Eva


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