Monday 14 December 2009

Northbridge clock

The Northbridge Clock was constructed in 1948 as a memorial to those who died in World War 2. According to the plaque, it was erected by the Northbridge Comforts Fund and unveiled by the Governor of New South Wales, Lieut-General J. Northcott.


  1. Interesting monument. Here in the US we often see similar memorial monuments for WWI (as well as the US Civil War), but almost never for WWII.

    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog - I must say the Choc Ripple cake tasted pretty good too. I have looked thru you blog and you have some pretty good shots.

  3. You take good photos of important monuments and places. My husband teases that people like us should be recognised for promoting our countries.

  4. Forever.
    What time it was.
    What time it is.

    Please have a wonderful start into the new week.

  5. Thank you for your photo. That is a great monument!
    I also thank you for following:)
    I am following you ,too!
    Have a lovely week!!

  6. Can't say that it is an inspiring monument but an it is an important one.


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