Tuesday 9 March 2010

Alexandria, Alan Davidson Oval

With summer coming to an end and autumn just begun, this Cricket match played on Alan Davidson Oval last weekend will be one of the last of the season. The oval, named after a famous Australian cricketer Alan Davidson, is located on the edge of Sydney Park in the inner city suburb of Alexandria. It is used for cricket in the spring and summer is also used for Australian Rules Football in autumn and winter.


  1. The benches look like the perfect place to sit and watch!

  2. Jim - Australian rules football? I need to look that one up. Your blog keeps my brain working! It is a beautiful stadium. We are in Florida now and the skies are blue here as well, so I am not quite as envious of your skies!

  3. I like cricket, I played the game last weekend for our annual parents against our kiddos game, I hit a 4 LOL!!... yes the season is voer looking f orward to soccer and rugby now though my boy will play 20/20 winter cricket competition on a Sunday... I like the great blue skies in this picture.

  4. I did not realise that oval was named after the great Alan Davidson! It is a lovely oval very much in the style of the 1950s. That entire area is a joy to wander around.

  5. Sallie, I've provided a link to the offical site of the national Aussie Rules competition, if you want some more information.

  6. I'd like to see a cricket game, never have. Nice photo of a special place in Australian culture.

  7. Lovely stadium, beautiful sky, Jim, and a wonderful shot as always! Here's to a great week!!


  8. what a beautiful pix. so summery.

  9. That looks like a beautiful place to play and watch. I enjoy the Australian bloggers because you are always two seasons ahead of where I live in the U.S. which makes it interesting seeing different seasons.

  10. it's such abeautiful place, i wouldn't mind visiting it some day

  11. J Bar: Certainly a sport I don't understand but it looks like fun.

  12. But it still looks a lot like summer to me!

  13. Stine, with a sunny day and temperatures around 30 degrees today, it still feels like summer.

  14. You keep the hope alive, to be able one day, to understand the rules ;)
    A wonderful Tuesday for you.

  15. Beautiful ground for the game of cricket.

  16. OH, that looks so much like cricket pitches in England... Lovely!

  17. I would love to sit on the bench and watch a cricket match. I haven´t seen one since I lived in UK.

  18. such a beautiful park. everything is so meticulously kept.

  19. Beautiful photo as always. Love the blue sky. Great shot!

  20. Ah cricket. Strange to think it's coming to autumn in Sydney when it's coming to spring in the Northern hemisphere.

  21. Nice one. Give me cricket in cricket whites any day, where you can tell the ump. by his black trousers.
    I hate all the coloured suits, it is just not the real game.

  22. Hmm cricket game.. I've never seen this game.. I hope I'll get one from this blog posts.. great capture

  23. i just love the blue skies on this photo. Lois is right, the benches are good places to just sit and watch. thanks for stopping by my blog.

  24. What a very elegant looking cricket field!

  25. Nice picture, and obviously I could use the benches if you agree...

  26. No worries VP. I'm happy for you to use this image for your 'bunch of benches' blog.

  27. Your shot of the cricket field is wonderful, Jim. It must be fun to watch them play.


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