Monday 28 June 2010

Parliament House, Vivid Sydney

Parliament House on Macquarie Street featured light projections as part of Macquarie Visions at this year's Vivid Sydney Festival. The theme of the display was Advance Australia, which featured visionary projects in Australia's history such as Parliament House and the Rum Hospital, the Sydney Opera House, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme. It also featured the insights of notable Australians who narrated in projections and recordings, the stories of these projects that have advanced Australia.


  1. This series on Vivid Sydney is excellent. I found it interesting in your recent post that many of the early landmark buildings were designed by a convict released from prison.

  2. Thanks for posting these. I love this light show.

  3. May the Parlimant enjoy always the light of good governance and honesty. Indeed impressive serie. Please have a great start into the new week.

    daily athens

  4. Great series. I haven't been out and about at night to see them.

  5. More great photos! You should do this for a living.

  6. Whoa!!!...I was soooo amazed with your pictures here! ...really!..sooo amazing! :) keep posting! :)

    bdw, I added you on my blogroll..Good day! :)

  7. Gorgeous projections. Do you ever feel that they over-egged the pudding a bit with this festival? So much to see...

  8. Cara, you may be right. It was difficult to see it all and photograph it, in just one night. I think they had so much on this year because we are also celebrating the 200th anniversary of Lachlan Macquarie’s tenure as Governor of New South Wales.

  9. great clear shots I don't remember seeing all those images

  10. Peter, you had to stick around for a while longer to see all of these. The narration was running on the side walls in conjunction with the images, so that meant the change took a while.

  11. Unusual and spectacular, a nice set of images.


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