Monday 5 July 2010

Mint Museum, Vivid Sydney

Sydney Mint Museum on Macquarie Street featured light projections as part of Macquarie Visions for this year's Vivid Sydney Festival. The theme of the display was Common Wealth, which looked at the economic and natural wealth that has been discovered, exploited and developed in Australia since the early accomplishments of Governor Lachlan Macquarie.


  1. At first I thought it was a bookshelf! Love all the pretty images :-)

  2. Very nice assemblage of colourful images.

  3. This must be the festival of lights. Who ever thought of using differet colours of lights is so clever.

    Is this an annual thing> may be enxt year, I will come to Sydney and soak in the atmosphere.

  4. Yes it is an annual event now, Ann. This was the second Vivid Sydney festival. It might be worth organising a trip to coincide with the festival next year.

  5. You are eveywhere to places so near yet so far for me, not that I cannot...

    I really wish I am not lazy so I can see places that you have posted here.

    Beautiful colour visual effects!

    (Been to Ettamogah yet?)

  6. Bonnie, I'm sometimes a bit like you and don't wander far away from the city, inner city or southern suburbs. The Ettamogah Pub, would for me be 'so near yet so far'. I know it's only across the other side of the city, but visiting Rouse Hill would require a big commitment and a day excursion. I promise I'll get around to it, one of these days. :)

  7. It's so different, modern and beautiful!
    Wonderful pictures!
    Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

  8. It's alway interesting to see these lights.

  9. It sure is a festival of vivid light. great shots.

  10. The mint museum is awesome. How do you do it, they're such great finds.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  11. very cool indeed!

    thanks for dropping by my blog! =)


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