Monday 26 July 2010

The Rocks, Aroma Festival, art

The Rocks Aroma Festival is an annual celebration of coffee, tea, chocolate and spices which was on again yesterday at The Rocks. Last year, a similar sculpture of the Mona Lisa using 3,604 cups of coffee achieved a Guinness World Record. This year's sculpture was even bigger, made up of 5,200 cups using 68 litres of milk and 78 litres of coffee. It featured Marilyn Monroe from her movie 'Some Like It Hot' and was located at the Overseas Passenger Terminal Forecourt, beside Circular Quay.


  1. What a strange celebration, but such a fun idea, making a Marilyn with top of cups full of coffee... Can't wait to se the other shots you had taken during this festival...

  2. «Louis», being in the coffee business finds this to be a fascinating use of coffee! He's going to link to this on his Facebook page.

  3. hello,
    questa "ritratto" di Marilyn fatto di tazze รจ veramente sorprendente !
    Bello scatto :-)
    Buona giornata.

  4. Looks like fun1. I love that kind of celebration1
    Have a great time!
    B :)

  5. The thought of that much cold coffee turns my stomach at this hour of the morning!

    A good idea, even though it is a manufactured festival. As a society we never seem to get over some of the iconic images of the 50s, james Dean and Marlon Brando come to mind as well as MM.

  6. PS This is a very un-jimbar image, Jim! I sense a big element of loosening up, my man.

  7. What a joy for the senses it must have been. Please have a nice new week.

    daily athens

  8. Sounds like a fun festival, crazy Australians.

  9. very interesting - quite quirky, did you get a free coffee?

  10. Peter, there weren't too many freebies there, apart from some small samples. There were some good discounts though like all coffees were $2 everywhere and thick chocolate hot shots for $1.

    Julie, yes I'm starting to explore new subjects and more elements of Sydney.

  11. «Louis» sent the link for this to his coffee roaster.

  12. My son sent me a picture of last year's event. So it is to become an annual event? The purpose to beat last year's record? Shame about the coffee going to waste, though.

  13. Paul, yes it is an annual event, which I believe has been going on for about a decade and gets bigger every year. I assume they were trying to break the record.

    Louis la Vache, thanks for the links.

  14. I love Marylin, of course!
    Best regards from Argentina

  15. Very interesting image. I wonder how they got the mix right for each of the coffee cups so it was the exact right colour.

  16. it's great seeing they did the coffee sculpture again. i haven't been before but looks so cool :-) so creative!

  17. Some like it hot...
    Great shot ;-)

  18. Mmmm -- your post smells delicious! What a fun festival.

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