Friday 26 November 2010

Bondi, advertisement

Over the last couple of weeks I have been featuring sculptures at the annual Sculpture by the Sea exhibition. This curious sculpture at the entrance to the exhibition was not actually one of the exhibits but a clever, or rather, sneaky promotion. The "Hello Sydney" number plate features an email address which is also inscribed on the 'artwork'. Once you visit the website, you realise this 'sculpture' was actually an advertisement for a new car, which is about to be launched.
Linked to: Skywatch Friday


  1. J, it is an excellent image. Great idea on the advertisers.

  2. The photo is amazing. Strange during 3 seonds.
    Great shot

  3. Somehow they always manage to squeeze in an advertisement! Terrific capture as always, Jim! Hope you have a great weekend!


  4. Great shot, I liked very much, best regards :)

  5. Hiya J,
    You always manage to find such interesting subjects around your area. This empty car makes for a beautiful image with the sea behind.

  6. Very neat trick for their advertisement. It is a cool looking sculpture. Great shot!

  7. So many nice and/or funny sculptures!
    Loved all your fantastic pics!
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a beautiful weekend****

  8. A nice reminder, that it is the content that counts. Please have a good Friday.

    daily athens

  9. Very surprising and creative. For a moment I really had the feeling I was looking to an advertisement in stead of to your weekly SWF post ...
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. art is where you find it, - a great advertisement.

  11. I take it there is more to the car than that, though its
    skeleton is interesting!

  12. The car is quite artistic. I enjoyed many of the art work. I wished to have the keeper in my garden. Also liked the leaf vessel very much. The greater grater made me smile, very useful when cooking for a crowd! We have something similar at Currumbin beach in September.

  13. I hope they were allowed to put it on display.

  14. If only other advertisements were so clever.

  15. Very interesting concept. I like the sculpture! :D

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Alex's World! -

  16. I enjoyed looking at the photos of the sculptures you posted. The tube of red paint was perhaps my favorite. Some of those I could have made. Thanks for sharing.

  17. I've really enjoyed your sculpture by the seas shots Jim. There is not end to the creativity of the marketing people.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.