Friday 18 February 2011

Darling Harbour, sculpture

This contemporary sculpture sits high above the end of a footbridge that links Darling Harbour to the central business district at the intersection of King Street and Sussex Street.


  1. It actually looks like a life-size version of the star that goes atop my mothers Christmas tree!


  2. Terrific sculpture! Reminds me of an exclamation point which is a perfect way to celebrate the beauty of your gorgeous, blue skies! Superb composition as always, Jim! Enjoy your weekend!


  3. Lost count of the number of times I have crossed that walkway, without once seeing that sculpture!! Need my eyes tested ...

  4. I have enjoyed all your City shots this week, all knew to me.

  5. very pretty. i wonder what the artist is trying to say.

    happy weekend.

    My skywatch

  6. magnificent art and design, compliments well with the great blue sky.

  7. Elegant against the clear blue sky.
    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  8. It is a cool looking sculpture and such a pretty blue sky. Great capture.

  9. I wouldn't want the job of dusting that!
    Beautiful photo, Jim.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  10. fredamans, the first time I saw it, I actually thought it was supposed to be a Christmas decoration.

    Kay L. Davies, yes that would be quite a challenge.

  11. This is quite a phenomenal piece of sculpture, and I think it looks like the star on the top of my Christmas tree.The gold against the blue sky is lovely. I love architectural shots, so this one of yours is especially appealing. Sometimes I think I should have been an architect instead of a school teacher!

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Amazing pictures of Sydney..nice to see the city through your pictures (if not in person)Hoping to visit soon.

  13. i like contemporray sculptures..nice capture

  14. Is that relatively new or have I just not noticed it. Definitely looks like a Christmas decoration.

  15. You do find terrific sculptures to tell us about. It's been a long time since I've visited, and I do miss seeing your wonderful part of the world. Thank you very much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. Have a super weekend!

  16. I love that star! I wonder if the workers gaze out from their windows. Beautiful sky photo.

  17. The sculpture is a masterpiece. Awesome shot as always :)

  18. Ann, it's been there for at least a couple of years. The first time I noticed it, it was a summer after Christmas and thought it was a deco. Then I noticed it was there throughout the whole year, so it had to be a public sculpture. I looked around for a plaque and I've tried to google it but unfortunately I can't find any info about it.

  19. Reminds me of the three wisemen. Where's Balthazar and the Frankincense when you need them?

  20. The sculpture is very eye catching. Great sculpture. Have a nice weekend.

  21. Interesting angle on the buildings and such a berautiful blue sky!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. Ohhh...this made for a terrific Skywatch shot! The sculpture just stands out against the brilliant blue sky.

  23. I agree, that it looks like a Christmas decoration. You have made an interesting photo of the sculpture and the surrounding buildings.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.