Friday 11 February 2011

Hunters Hill, All Saints Anglican Church

All Saints Anglican Church is located on the corner of Ambrose Street and Ferry Street, in the north western suburb of Hunters Hill. This church was designed by John Horbury Hunt in the Gothic Revival style and opened in 1888. This church, now on the Register of National Estate, was unfinished due to the financial situation of the parish. The wooden western end was not replaced until 1938 but the bell tower, spire and porch in the original plans were not buillt.


  1. what a beautiful church. so glad to know it's still standing. some grand old dame.

  2. Looks like a huge church and the design is beautiful.

  3. Lovely old building - so pleased it's on the Heritage-Listed.

  4. quite an infrastructure! One sees the age very well...beautiful inspite!

  5. We have thousands of church like this scattered over our country. Probably tens of thousands! All used by about 30 people one a week.

  6. This is beautiful. I see how intricately this is made. Thanks for sharing!
    Sky Watch Friday

  7. What a lovely church and you do have the clearest blue skies!! Gorgeous capture as always, Jim! Enjoy your weekend!


  8. It is always funny to see how careful architectural planning can be frustrated by the realities of poor finances, war or other unplanned events. Gorgeous building with a bell space, instead of a bell tower :)

  9. A bit of 'sky' here down upon earth.

    Please have a good Friday.

    daily athens

  10. It resembles to a church in one of the church that I've visited a few years back and it was built in the mountain province by the Americans.

  11. Very good looking church and the sky is so blue over your part of the world. Have a nice weekend.

  12. Interesting history on the church. It sure is beautiful.

  13. Beautiful church. It has been there a long time. Hopefully it will be there for a while longer.

  14. Hunt designed Grafton's Cathedral and it is a beautiful building but brick not stone. My favourite Hunt building is Boolimimbah House at Armidale, now the centrepiece of the University of New England.
    I enjoyed this post Jim.

  15. Very beautiful church!

  16. I'm wondering how it looks like inside...nice!

    thanks for dropping by at my SW entry.

  17. very oldskool :D i bet it will look geat during sunset

  18. Churches always provide such depth for photos- historu, architecture, ideals and hope.

  19. Finished or not it's a beautiful peaceful looking building.

  20. These style churches are the best. Especially when they still have a bell. Nice job.

  21. The roof and the sky stand in stark contrast to each other.


    A woman who searched the night sky
    Discovered a star way up high
    That twinkled and glowed
    And lit up the road
    So now she can see where things lie!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Western Sunset

  22. I love touring old churches. Somehow the antiquity of the building seems to add to the more spiritual presence of the church.

    Thanks for visiting my scrambled sky photo.

  23. lovely church - Im always fascinated by architecture of churches

  24. beautiful church and photo, wonderful colors

  25. mmm ... just realised that here you say 'north west' suburb. Hunters Hill? Not really, is it? I know it is NW of the bridge, but only fractionally. The Hills area is what is usually referred to as 'north west'.

  26. Julie, I was using the direction from from the city. I originally posted inner west suburb but that seemed wrong and northern or north shore suburb wasn't right either. Can you think of a better description for it?

  27. It is tricky, Jim. And that shows up in Wikipedia, too - the trickiness. I wonder if any of our other Sydney readers have an opinion here, as I am not convinced there is anything official on the topic.

    The Northern suburbs is anything north of the harbour. Similarly, we name the Eastern Suburbs and less tightly the Western Suburbs. But the WS also comprises the Inner-west just as the NS comprises the Upper-North-shore and Lower-North-shore.

    Being just that bit to the west of the Lane Cover River, HH to me does not seem part of the Lower North Shore (although going by socio-economics it most certainly is). And yet it seems illogical just to label it as Northern Suburbs, even though that is the name of the crematorium there.

    In short, I have no idea!!

  28. Just to add to the dilemma or confusion, 'The Book of Sydney Suburbs' by Frances Pollon describes it as 'west' of Sydney, while real estate agents include listings there in the 'Northern Suburbs' section.

  29. Great shot. Beautiful church, that might be very historic place in Sydney.

    Thanks for sharing this to us.

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Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.