Sunday, 6 February 2011

St Marys Road, pedestrian bridge

This pedestrian bridge links the Yurong Water Garden in Cook and Phillip Park with The Domain. It crosses over St Marys Road, at the intersection with Riley Street, Yurong Parkway and Sir John Young Crescent. The apartment blocks and hotels in the distance are located and Kings Cross and the large one on the right is the Horizon Apartments block at Darlinghurst.


  1. Great photo - looks like a sinking shipmast at the bridge ;-)

  2. How impressive a construction indeed. Always a safe step ahead and a good Sunday too.

  3. That is the most unusual light standard I have ever seen!

  4. lovely...and i like the skyline on the background.

  5. Violet Sky, do you mean the traffic lights, street light or the lights on the bridge?

  6. Great angle, it is an interesting area down there.

  7. I meant the light on the bridge. It is very striking

  8. Interesting... so what is that post seemingly piercing through the footbridge. Is that a light?

  9. I an afraid I would get in the wrong lane at that curving intersection. Your capture is excellent. So much to look at and ponder...a very interesting shot.

  10. hee hee...
    For some reason, this image made «Louis» think of mischievous boys on this bridge throwing water balloons at cars passing underneath!

    «Louis» regrets that he was away all day Sunday and unable to comment then on your contribution to Sunday Bridges.

  11. That's what we need more of in this country, pedestrian bridges and City walking paths.

  12. Francisca, that post is part of the suspension. I believe this type of bridge is called a side-spar cable-stayed bridge. The lights have been installed on this side-spar which I must admit I had not noticed until VioletSky mentioned them. There is also a street lamp behind it with a couple of resting pigeons on it.


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