Tuesday 24 May 2011

Redfern, St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College

St Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College is located on Cleveland Street, in the inner city suburb of Redfern. It was founded in 1986 and is the only accredited Orthodox tertiary institution of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere. It is located beside the Cathedral of the Annunciation Of Our Lady Theotokos, a Greek Orthodox Church in Cleveland Street.


  1. It's very nice. I'm glad Sydney and the Southern Hemisphere now have such a college.

  2. It is situated on such a chaotic intersection! I have sung in a building in behind this, adjacent to Prince Alfred Park. Lovely inner-city area.

  3. Julie, it certainly is a chaotic intersection there for traffic. Something interesting I discovered while researching the church yesterday is that there once was a large square here called St Paul's Square. That was before the railway line cut into it and main roads replaced it.

  4. Interesting post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. The sun looks so warm and beautiful on the brick of this building, Jim.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. It is a lovely building, and i love that it has such an importance to the people of Sydney and Australia in general.

  7. A beautiful place. It looks like a place of peace, too.

  8. Such a huge responsibility for a modest looking building, but you have to start somewhere.

  9. Very quaint structure. It looks calm amongst the chaos :)

  10. Looks like buildings in the UK... Lovely brick work!

  11. This building looks more British than Australian, but it is strong and probably cool inside, which is important in your summer. Does it have central heating in your winter? Anyway, it's an important building. Thanks for your visit.

  12. Interesting post. Doesn't look like a large "college" but then there isn't a large Greek Orthodox population there. Well, that's what I would guess.

    I can't think of ever seeing a Greek Orthodox seminary in the US although I'm sure such exists.

  13. Fascinating, that about ST Pauls, Jim. The railway out to Parramatta was built in 1855, but I think that 'central' station at that time was located about where REdfern Station is nowadays.

    I will look into this. It is the sort of thing which fascinates me. I have another old tram shot compared with nowadays shot tomorrow which you may enjoy.

  14. Reader Wil, most buildings in Sydney don't have any central heating because it doesn't get cold enough in winter. Most newer buildings have reverse cycle airconditioning to cool them in summer and also heat in winter.

    Jacob, according to the 2006 census there were 544,300 Australians or 2.7% of the population who identify themselves as followers of Orthodoxy. Also, there were 365,147 people who declared having Greek ancestry and Greek is the third most commonly spoken language in Australia after English and Italian.

  15. Nice to meet you! I am delighted to be introduced to your blog. Nice Fotos ;)

  16. Sorry i forgot my name

    Nice to meet you! I am delighted to be introduced to your blog. Nice Fotos


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