Monday 13 June 2011

Circular Quay, Vivid Sydney, statues

 This artwork is located along the Circular Quay East foreshore, as part of the Vivid Sydney festival which ends tonight. "Positive Attracts" is created by Singapore artist Edwin Cheong. These life-size light statues have infra red sensors to detect when people are in close range and trigger changing rainbow LED lighting effects. Each one is named after a real life hero which visitors can guess from a famous quote at the base of each statue.


  1. This is super cool! The series of night shots on the last posts is just great.

  2. Those are very unusual and cool! I wish I had one to use in my house!

  3. Beautiful capture and very cool art display. Wish that I could see this in person as your photo intrigues me.

  4. Yeah, I like these ones that you and Ann have both captured so well. Shame that this festivat was impacted so much by the weather this year.

  5. Ah, I like the idea of interactive art. This art also makes a colourful photo.

  6. Hmmm! good visually AND challenging too with the guessing thing!! Excellent photos Joe, the whole series has been great.

  7. They were at our shores too since the artist is from our country but I did not get the time to Glad they make their way around the world. Nice photos.

  8. Lovely. It seems to rain every year for this festival. This year I decided to watch the forecast and if it looked like it would be dry to go after work.

  9. Great shots Jim for this interactive art in light. Have enjoyed seeing your series of photos.

  10. They look vibrant and I think making them interactive is a great idea. Beautifully captured too.


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