Sunday 30 October 2011

Balmain, ferry wharf

Balmain Wharf, also known as the Thames Street Wharfsits on Mort Bay in Balmain. It is serviced by Sydney Ferries, with regular services between Circular Quay and Parramatta. Sydney Harbour Bridge, Goat Island and the inner west suburb of Balmain East can be seen in the distance.


  1. hee hee...
    You'll be first up again this week with Sunday Bridges which will post at 00:01 central Europe time Sunday Morning.

  2. One of my very favorite bridges! Nice one Jim!

  3. Very nice shot--so pretty there! Mickie :)

  4. I was out on the harbour and all I got was grey, grey, grey. What I would give for a few days of blue!

  5. No one could mistake that bridge. I never get tired of seeing it. I have really been enjoying this last series of posts you’ve been putting on the net. All of the photos are beautiful and so interesting. The post that really jumps out in my memory is the one in the park area where the parts of the old tankers are used. It is funny how you can a picture in your head and you cannot get rid of it...but that’s ok. genie

  6. I love the idea of islands in the middle of the Habour - it is a gorgeous area. I _did_ know about Rodd Island, but I did not know about Goat Island at all.

  7. Love the harbour and the link that the ferries provide. Nice shot.

  8. Pretty scene and a nice view of the bridge. Great photo, happy Scenic Sunday!

  9. May be boats will be more popular now that QANTAS is having such trouble.

  10. Ann, you can't catch a ferry to New Zealand though. :P

  11. Beautiful!Love your photos! Thanks for sharing,Joann


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