Thursday 22 December 2011

Redfern, memorial

This war relic stands close to the entrance of Redfern Park near the corner of Redfern Street and Elizabeth Street. Keeping this World War Two Bofors anti-aircraft gun as a war memorial in this peaceful park has divided the community.


  1. I'm used to war machinery from past wars being included in parks and memorials! An excellent photo!

  2. Здравствуйте.
    В эти святые дни Рождества Христова, хочу поздравить вас с праздником. В этот день Христос пришел, чтобы спасти наш Мир от Тьмы.
    Желаю вам, чтобы светлый праздник вам подарил тепло, и уют в ваш дом, здоровья вам и вашим близким.
    С Рождеством Христовым и с Новым годом.
    Воеводин Дмитрий.

  3. Interesting community link and thought provoking. Many Aussie parks have these types of memorials.
    Your sojourn through Redfern Park has been great!!

  4. Dmitry, thank you for your Christmas wishes. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too.

  5. Haven't been to Redfern in years. Been tarted up a bit since my day. Looks interesting.

  6. A thoughtful mean to measure time and life indeed. In my opinion, it is a good reminder. Please have a good Thursday.

  7. Great photo! So clear and clean colors! Interesting subject.Thanks for sharing JoAnn

  8. Many of our parks would not have existed but for their links with WWI memorials in particular. The link was an interesting read.

  9. It's doesn't resonate "peace" but it is part of our history.

  10. GREAT!!!
    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year

  11. Nice photo, if a monument can be contradictory, but the historical memory is also important.

  12. I'm not opposed to memorials like this, I don't see reminders of such a terrible time as a bad thing! Good shot Jim.

  13. «Louis» reads a lot of WWII history. He thinks we need these reminders of the price paid for freedom in those dark years. The Australian (and New Zealand) contribution to winning WWII is too often overlooked by Americans. The ANZAC forces were truly heroic. The Bofors gun, of Swedish design, was a fine weapon.


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