Saturday 31 December 2011

Rookwood, Garden of Remembrance

The New South Wales Garden of Remembrance is part of the Sydney War Cemetery at Rookwood Cemetery. This fountain cascades down with a river of embedded and exposed stones encircircling this steel belvedere. The Garden of Remembrance was constructed in the early 1960s but was completely redeveloped in the late 1980s. The walls in the garden feature memorial plaques to commemorate those who served in wars.


  1. That's a very beautiful remembrance place.

  2. How pretty and peaceful. A lovely place to reflect.

  3. Greetings from the Amish community of Lebanon,pa. Happy new years everyone. Richard

  4. Very appealing memorial, looks like a place people can come and take time to remember. Happy New year Jim.

  5. They did a great job -- this is a serene place-- very well designed for the purpose it seems!

  6. Beautiful photo! Neat and super clean..

    Visiting for MYM! Here's mine- hope you can visit too:)

  7. Such a beautiful and peaceful place! A wonderful capture as always! Happy New Year, Jim!


  8. Lovely symmetrical shot of this wonderful place, Jim!
    May 2012 be filled with health and happiness for you and yours.

  9. Such a pretty place to go and remember the past. Lovely design. Love the water pond in the front. genie

  10. Very beautiful, a peaceful place for the fallen!

  11. A lovely place to meditate on those who have gone before.

  12. I very much like the idea of the gardens blooming with roses and rosemary. Flowers that symbolise remembrance are perfect for this site.

  13. a lovely place
    the stones are a wonderful touch

  14. A unique belvedere and garden of remembrance. Happy New Year, Jim!

  15. Thanks for rebadging this for Taphophile Tragics, Jim. I have only walked such a small portion of Rookwood as yet.

    Very soon my father will have a memorial plate erected at Rookwood, in addition to the one I am organising at Botany.

    I want to do the Sunday morning tour of Rookwood sometime this year. I must check it out and get that organised and into my diary.

  16. Oo ... you have moderaton on ... did you know that ... one of my blogs had it turned on too and I did not know that ... you have set a specific number of days. I will email you.

  17. Julie, I set up moderation for posts older than 10 days because I'm being targeted by spammers and couldn't keep track of them and be able to delete them otherwise.

  18. I find war memorials unutterably sad - but this one's so beautiful too.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.