Thursday 10 May 2012

Botanic Gardens, Gardens in Focus

The winning images from the Gardens in Focus photographic competition in 2010 have been placed on banners and are currently displayed in the Royal Botanic Gardens. This banner is located close to the "Boy Extracting Thorn" sculpture. The competition features photographs that capture the living essence of a botanic garden. Parts of the botanic gardens remain quite green, even in the middle of Autumn. I featured another banner on display near the Main Pond here.
Click here to view all participants of Signs, Signs


  1. I like that. Want to get out this weekend and start my treck around the Head on Exhibitions. Going to need a few days to see everything that I want to see.

  2. Ann, that sounds great. I visited the Head On exhibition at Paddington Reservoir yesterday.

  3. That is a different and interesting way of displaying photographs!

  4. Great idea to highlight the winning entries, Jim. However, it also alerts the viewers to the hidden beauty fo the gardens that is visible when one observes closely.

  5. a stunning photo! a wonderful way to promote the botanic gardens.

  6. What a good idea- the Gardens look very well tended too.

  7. This looks great, I have seen this kind of display in the netherlands too.
    Nice picture! And nice shadow as well:)

  8. What a clever and nice way to show off the winners of the art contest. Unusual and captivating. I bet they were all beautiful walking around the gardens. genie

  9. Marleen, quite interested to hear that these sorts of displays are happening overseas too.

  10. What an intelligent way to display art!

  11. What a cool idea! They are really bringing art to the people!

  12. Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos, Jim!

  13. What a creative way to display the photo. The garden looks so neat and lovely.

    Cacti Flowers


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.