Wednesday 23 May 2012

Customs House Square, fountain

This fountain was a temporary art piece located in Customs House Square at Circular Quay last week. It was part of the promotional launch of the first all-electric car commercially available in Australia. The conceptual art display, "A World without Petrol", reused 38 old petrol browsers re-imagined as various art works, including this working fountain featuring a number of bowsers, at the centre of the square.


  1. Great sculpture and shot. One day we will have to live in a world without petrol.

  2. I am with Al - no petrol thanks! But I am not sure about the fountain hehe

  3. I see a huge lamp...this fountain would be beautiful!
    Thanks for joining Inviting you to join Water World Wednesday I do appreciate it. See you next week!

  4. lina@happy family, apparently these fountains were lit up at night and I can imagine that they may have added some colours on this white one.

  5. What a contrast to have this modern sculpture in front of the older architecrre of the building.

  6. Wow,- that fountain was something special!
    Great post!

  7. strange piece of art. But interesting in a way.

  8. Another new word for me. Browser. Looks like what we would call a gas pump. Very interesting use of the old things.

  9. Rita, I didn't realise bowser was an Australian term. I just googled it and found that it is a uniquely Australian English word for petrol pump or gas pump. :)


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