Wednesday 2 May 2012

Hurstville, shop

The Friendly Societies' Dispensary is a commercial building in MacMahons Street, in the southern suburb of Hurstville. This heritage listed building in the Federation architectural style, features signs that describe it as a dispensary, pharmacy and a chemist shop.


  1. Lovely old-fashioned building, housing what seems to be an old-fashioned business. We have several compounding pharmacies and dispensaries here in Melbourne and they are quite amazing, Jim.

  2. Lovely. I wonder if it is still in older design inside. Perhaps a soda fountain, too?

  3. The housing above the shops was certainly designed in the Federation style of architecture, but the glass shop front looks brand new. I understand of course. People want to have modern shopping in heritage buildings.

  4. Lois Evensen, I don't think chemists or pharmacies in Australia were anything like those you see in North America, featuring things like soda fountains.

  5. It is a handsome old building. If it doesn't have a soda fountain with a nice back bar it should. I would like a tall strawberry soda please.

  6. Interesting. I always though a Chemist and a Pharmacy were the same thing.

  7. What a great design! I love the name too - seems comforting to go to Friendly's!

  8. Dour colour scheme, though, heritage or no.

    I wonder about the accuracy of the plural and the apostrophe ... pedant that I am.

  9. Julie, maybe a bit ordinary but the colours are authentic. I just wish they hadn't altered the shopfront windows which now already look dated but not heritage.

  10. Very beautiful building and light.

  11. I'm having a tiny problem I can't seem to be able to subscribe your feed, I'm using google reader, by the way.


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