Thursday 31 May 2012

Monterey, beach

This warning sign blocks a walkway to the beach, in the southern suburb of Monterey. Part of the Lady Robinsons Beach foreshore on Botany Bay has been severely eroded and is awaiting restoration.


  1. Never a good sign to see, especially in summer..but it's great that they recognize the problem and take steps to replant the dune areas in trouble.

  2. Didn't know monterey had a beach! Hope it recovers.

  3. My son’s specialty in his job is working with beach erosion up in the Pacific northwest. It is so sad. What is personally really sad for me is the flooding of the creek in our front yard. It is eating away at the bank year after year and there is nothing we can do, but i hope this area with the proper supervision and planning can be restored.. Your picture is beautiful. The blue waters are gorgeous. What a fine sign. genie

  4. This seems to be a problem the world over - possibly from rising waters from climate change? Good post!

  5. That's certainly not the sign beachgoers want to see! :)

  6. i hope the beach can be rehabilitated. soil erosion is also a problem in many coastal areas here.

  7. Good thing they noted the erosion part on the sign. If it only said beach access closed, rule breakers like me would ignore it. The environmental reason would give me pause.

  8. Great to see that at least there is a warning for beach seekers! Erosion is quite a problem on Port Phillip Bay in my world too!

  9. Francisca, there is access to the rest of the beach a little bit further along so there's no need to be such a rebel. :)

  10. as the season starts up here on the Jersey shore there are many signs of the damage of hurricane Irene
    budgets have slowed down restoration work

  11. Very interesting story. Liked it very much. Thanks for writing such a interesting story.Petter Joe


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