Tuesday 15 May 2012

Rookwood, monument

This is one of many impressive monuments at the Rookwood Necropolis, in the western suburb of Rookwood. This is a memorial to Samuel Henry Harris, an ex-convict who was sentenced to seven years for stealing one hundred pounds from his employers and arrived in Australia in 1833. He went into partnership with Jacob Marks and opened successful drapery shops in Melbourne.


  1. Beautiful monument. We enjoy wandering through cemeteries, seeing the monuments, and often finding stories about the people buried there.

  2. It really is rather grand compared to some of the much simpler grave markers around it Jim.

  3. Beautiful monument which you have shown us. An interesting way to know your country is visiting your blog.

    Greetings from Spain.


  4. Julie, we were bound to cross paths again with our blogs. I took your lead and included some further details about the memorial.

  5. Very impressive. As I said somewhere else. Rookwood is still on my ever increasing list of places to go.

  6. Great story!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Beautiful monument and what an interesting story!! Terrific capture, Jim, as always! Have a great week1


  8. What a super story... I did enjoy reading it. But why was Harris buried in Sydney if he was a pioneering hero in Melbourne?

  9. Hels, it seems their expanding business interests led them and their families to Sydney.

  10. You and Julie are in sync today. It is a very grand monument indeed.

  11. Wow... owning drapery shops get you a memorial like this? I asked the question on Julie's post; glad my curiosity was satisfied here, Jim.

  12. You might like to know that there is a lovely dusk ceremony planned for this weekend at Rookwood in The Elephant House Dusk Ceremony

  13. It's great to see how many of the convicts made good.

  14. You both have differing shots. Like Grace in Perth I like the contrast of the simple graves with the extravagance of the convict made good.

  15. I love the way the most impressive memorial are often surrounded by much simpler gravestones.

  16. That is impressive. Great picture!

    Herding Cats

  17. He seems to have done quite well for himself once he got out of bad old England!

  18. It seems the designer of this monument tried to cram in as many architectural features as the plot would allow.

  19. Goodo Jim. Glad you included the info on Harris. I had found that same article that you referenced. Some of his relies mentioned in that article are buried very close to Harris.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.