Tuesday 8 May 2012

Rookwood, Sydney War Cemetery, Cross of Sacrifice

The Sydney War Cemetery is located at Rookwood Necropolis, in the western suburb of Rookwood. The Cross of Sacrifice identifies British Commonwealth war cemeteries across the world, such as this one. The cemetery has the graves of service personnel who died during Word War 2, or soon after. 
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  1. The entire area looks green and peaceful, perfect for mourning and reflection.

  2. A beautiful memorial. Here in the US there would be someone/s trying to get a cross removed. So sad that is happening here.

  3. Wow! That is really awesome! a wonderful way and place to memorialize those who served so faithfully.

  4. I was out at Rookwood for 6 hours on Sunday, Jim. Such a wonderful area. I was right across the other side though in the Anglican Heritage area. But I do not drive, so Rookwood is a mighty challenge. I will return again tomorrow, after you link this with TT.

  5. Julie, it's a massive place. Quite a challenge on foot.

  6. Great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Great pic. I have pictures of the beach to share this week.

  8. What a beautiful, peaceful spot, Jim. I'm partial to WWII cemeteries because my father served in the Canadian Army in Britain, and my parents had cousins who died in WWII.
    Thanks for this.

  9. It is a lovely war memorial. Beautiful shot!

  10. A beautiful memorial, Jim! Wonderful capture for the day!


  11. Elegance comes to mind in describing this one.

  12. So simply displayed and so elegant! The simple line creates a sense of hush - leaving no clutter except the space to respect something quite sacred. Lovely photo!

  13. Nice shot. My mother lies in Rookwood as well.

  14. I like the simplicity of this memorial, appreciate the sacrifice of so many, but abhor that so many lives were cut short in their prime. I yearn for a day when there will be no more war.. anywhere.

  15. The Cross of Sacrifice is a familiar sight in the war graves section of cemeteries in the UK too. They always look very dignified.

  16. that is a lovely scene
    the cross is magnificent and is surrounded with such beauty

  17. its a pretty cross.
    the grass is so green, it seems almost fake.. :)

  18. On Anzac day, some guides and other women made little bouquets of flowers and place them on all the graves of the soldiers.

  19. Following on from CaT's comment immediately prior to mine, I actually saw a double grave out at Rookwood last Sunday which DID have fake grass on it. Very wierd ...

    I have not seen this particular section of Rookwood yet, Jim. I have been to the Garden of Remembrance, but that is all plaques, no bodies.

    But Rookwood is a massive place ...

  20. What a beautiful and peaceful looking place.

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