Wednesday 25 July 2012

Mascot, St Therese's Catholic Church

St Therese's Catholic Church is located on the corner of Sutherland Street and Coward Street in the eastern suburb of Mascot, near St Therese's Catholic Primary SchoolThis red brick church was designed by Clement Glancey and built in 1940, in the InterWar Spanish Mission architectural style..
Linked to: Outdoor Wednesday


  1. Plain red brick appears heavy to our eyes, I think. Perhaps they were trying to save money in 1940, only the second year of World War Two.

  2. Keep this going please. Great job! I wish all the best to your blog.

  3. When I look at this beautiful church I am amazed,so incredible,just think about the brick mason laying ALL those magnificent bricks one by one,oh and my first though was how it reminded me of the ALAMO,call me crazy I don't know why,but it is fantastic.

  4. Jo, I think this style of architecture is known as Inter-War Spanish Mission in Australia so that's probably why it reminds you of the Alamo.

  5. Quite an imposing church this one Jim.

  6. That's an impressive church! I can't imagine how long it took laying down the bricks to make this structure.

  7. It's a gorgeous structure...I always enjoy your photos that you share of your area of the world!! Brings me closer to all who live on this globe of ours. Perhaps, me living in Texas I'm kinda partial to this a mission

  8. The arched portico at the front sets it off beautifully.

  9. It's a very 'stern' looking building Jim, somehow that seems in keeping with the Catholic religion!

  10. Interesting brick pattern on this church.
    Joyce M

  11. Just as good as your last post. Do you accept advertisers?

  12. Great photo of historical architecture... Thanks for sharing :)

  13. Anonymous, I'm not running and advertising on my blog.


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