Monday 4 February 2013

Glebe, The Nag's Head Hotel

The Nag's Head Hotel is located along St Johns Road, in the inner city suburb of Glebe. This pub was built in the 1860s and was originally known as the Town Hall Hotel, being opposite Glebe Town Hall. In 1986 it was refurbished and renamed.


  1. I lived around the corner in 1984, it was a favourite spot for a middy.

  2. What a terrible name for a hotel "Nag's Head" .... The original name was much nicer.

  3. Looks like a festive places with all the flags. After they finish at the pub, they can go upstairs to sleep.

  4. Now I am wondering why a hotel would choose a pale yellow for exterior walls! Our Dromana Hotel's outside walls and columns are just a tone stronger! Love how it parades round the corner!

  5. Replies
    1. Did you know that nag is a slang word for an old work horse or racehorse?

  6. Great photo!
    I love the roof!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  7. Great shot of vintage hotel for MMY's

    Carol of: A Creative Harbor ^_^

  8. What an interesting building; I'd love to go inside. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Jim.

  9. Without seeing a photo or painting of the original 1860s pub, it would be impossible to guess what changes if any were made to the exterior. One side wall is very long, so I wonder why the second storey balcony didn't extend much further - the iron lace is gorgeous and the overhanging eaves would have been great for the sun.

  10. Nice blues and a very interesting building! I wish we could get a glimpse inside! Enjoy the week!

  11. Now that looks like a fun place. My blue's are


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