Monday 6 May 2013

Darlinghurst, murals

These artworks are part of "We Are Here", a 15-metre-high, 75-metre-long mural lining the walls of buildings along Foley Street, a laneway in the inner city suburb of Darlinghurst. This giant artwork which was created by Australian street artists, illustrators and photographers, depicts some of the city’s most significant people and events using paint, collage, drawing, paste-ups, stencils and photography.


  1. I have walked Foley Street for it many fire-escapes, but it must have been prior to the arrival of this mural, Jim. The building it is on reminds me of buildings just down a bit further in Yurong Lane. Makes me miss my old haunts.

  2. Whimsical and colorful. I especially like the head with the fireman's hat on.

  3. Wow - that's some mural. It would have been interesting to watch it being created!

  4. Wow, what a fantastic mural. The style seems to be a paen to Magritte and the surrealist movement. They would be impressed by the scale of this project. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  5. this is a fabulous mural. it adds dimension to this wall.
    great find!

  6. Now that's a delightful mural Jim. Council's have come a long way in allowing street art.

  7. Nice discovery, must track it down.

  8. Great mural. Something else as Atlas carrying the world on his back. Thanks for showing.

  9. Wonderful mural art, look very realistic.

  10. Fascinating murals and love the colors ~ great photo for HMB ^_^

  11. Fantastic mural! You find the most wonderful subjects to shoot!

  12. I like the humor in this mural. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Jim.

  13. tremendous works of art with a bit of comedy relief.

  14. the bit that strikes me most is the globe with Australia prominently displayed! We don't see that very often up here ;)

  15. It's beautiful! Happy Blue Monday. I played too. Mine are here and here.

  16. Wow! That is an amazing project! I'm sure it makes the city seem quite vibrant with all those great colors.

  17. Delightful. So much detail for a huge piece.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.