Wednesday 4 September 2013

Darlinghurst, National School Hall

The former National School Hall is located along William Street, in the inner city suburb of Darlinghurst. The building, now part of the Austraian Museum, was designed by Henry Robertson and built in 1865 in the Victorian Free Gothic architectural style. It stands beside the contemporary Collections and Research Building of the Australian Museum built in 2008. The futuristic facade design incorporates an artwork that shows elements inspired by the scale pattern and iridescence of a butterfly’s wing.


  1. Wonderful looking building more than you can say for the one beside it

  2. Great old building!! The rest I agree with Bill above. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. I love the contrast between the two styles, Jim. Neither building suffers from comparison, either.
    Good shot.

  4. That is a lovely building. In the USA, that style is often called Romanesque, and if there is a lot of sandstone in it, it is Richardsonian Romanesque after the architect H. H. Richardson.

  5. Am glad they saved the school hall with its arched windows - great contrast with the skyscraper in the background!

  6. The older building is more immediately eye-catching but I like the glass reflecting the light on the newer one.

  7. Your part of the world is full on great sights, Never realized how many interesting buildings there are.

  8. “...inspired by the scale pattern and iridescence of a butterfly’s wing.”

    Gee, Jim, and there I was thinking it was because they’d used the cheapest tenderer.
    I love the school building.

    1. It looks a bit impressive when it's lit up at night but quite average in the daytime.

  9. did you hear about the PONG the Malaysian durians cause to your city?

    1. No, I was not aware of any such problem. Sounds like one of those trivial stories that the media picks up on which is not really news. :)

    2. No, I was not aware of any such problem. Sounds like one of those trivial stories that the media picks up on which is not really news. :)

    3. No, I was not aware of any such problem.

  10. I Love the contrast, i remmeber same thing when i have visiting Leneingrad, there was a small church and at food a great building, a few same, greetin from belgium


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