Thursday 24 October 2013

George Street, Snailovation

This giant orange snail sculpture was recently located on the corner of George Street and Druitt Street. It was at the southern end of the of the Queen Victoria Building, behind the Statue of Queen Victoria, facing Sydney Town Hall, with The Galeries and the Woolworths flagship store as a bacdrop. Snailovation are brightly coloured snails that were created by the Cracking Art Group. They were installed on city streets and in parks as part of Art and About Sydney, a festival of art in unusual places.


  1. Love all the photos of Snailovation Jim. I missed out on the chance to photograph these so it's great to see your photos.

  2. This one looks well contained in that garden patch!

  3. A beautiful composition! Snail Wonderful!

  4. He could eat that whole garden in one night! ;-)

  5. Cow, pigs, and now snails. I bet they are really fun to see driving about the city. This one is so colorful.

  6. I love this guy ...he reminds me of Oregon..lots of snails and slugs there!

  7. i like this snail. love the color.

  8. Those snails certainly get around!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I enjoyed your initial impression of "Dog n Suds" ! ;-)


  9. That's an interesting way of brightening the city up.

  10. No way! I go past here twice a day and missed this.

  11. So beautiful sculpture of the snail !!
    Nice photo..

  12. I love the bright orange color among the green! We had the cow statues in Chicago about 10 years ago. That was quite fun.

  13. Are they saying life moves at a "snail's pace" in Sydney?

    Love this. And you still have a Woolworth's store? Amazing. Haven't seen one in years!

    1. Woolworths is our biggest supermarket chain in Australia these days. The original Woolworths variety store opened in 1924 but had no link to the internationally known Woolworths stores other than copying the name.


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