Wednesday 25 December 2013

The Rocks, Christmas tree

The Rocks Christmas tree  is located along George Street, outside the Museum of Contemporary Art. "A Flock of Christmas Colour" is a 10 metre living evergreen coniferous cedar that features a flock of 25 native birds. The cockatoos, rosellas and rainbow lorikeets were created by Madeline Fountain using recycled street banners. The other hanging decorations are waratahs, the floral emblem of New South Wales. Merry Christmas.


  1. It is a great photo to see on christmas eve.

  2. A very Merry Christmas !
    May the New year 2014 be a wonderful year for you.
    Myriam :)

  3. What a delight.

    See? We can do native birds very well :)
    Enough pretending we all live in frozen, northern Europe.
    Enough cultural cringe!

  4. Little unusual for me to see a christmas tree with a bright blue sky (warm day?) , but I love that it is decorated using recycled materials.

  5. How beautiful, Jim. Is the tree also native to Australia?
    I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season.

    1. It's a 20 year old species, native to the western Himalayas.

  6. Lovely Christmas tree

    。❊ * 。❊ 。 ❊ _█_ ❊ 。 * ❊
    _Π_____ (•.•) * 5☆★☆★☆
    ❊ /______/~\ ( ♥ ) ❊ MERRY CHRISTMAS ❊
    |田 田 |門| ( ♥ ) HAPPY DAY❊

  7. It is easy for those of us in the northern hemisphere to forget that it is summer in Australia!
    The weather here in northern California has been a bit chilly for us, though to someone in (for example) Duluth, Minnesota, the weather here would seem to be a veritable heat wave. E-mail some of that Australian warmth up north, please!

    All best wishes to you, Jim - and thank you for your kind words about «Louis'» Christmas post...

  8. "a flock of Christmas colour" indeed!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS ..........

  9. Nice Christmans tree!

    I wish you "Happy Holidays" from the other side of world!:)!

  10. Merry Christmas to you and your household Jim. May 2014 be good to all of you!


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