Thursday 13 February 2014

Martin Place, Living Colour

This "Living Colour" floral display has been installed along Martin Place to add some colour to the city. The new orange "T" signs, indicating the entrances to Martin Place railway station, have been installed here. These signs are on trial at the moment but have been criticised by designers this week who believe will cause confusion and aren't an improvement on the pictograms they will replace.


  1. Lovely flower displays I'd have to see the other signs to see why people are having a problem The "T" on its own does not seem to take away from gardens imho.

  2. I'm not sure if I would know what the T stood for. Love the flowers.

  3. T signs for 'trial' (at the moment)...? Colors are a usually good addition to anything.

  4. New things can often be confusion. Maybe if they give it some time?
    Lovely flowers.

    1. Possibly, but I think they have to reconsider this one. I don't mind the colour scheme but I'd rather see a picture of a train than a letter T.

  5. Those raised flower beds are attractive. I love them here in Melbourne streets. Not sure about the colour of the sign. Bit close to the colour of traffic signs. Or is that the general idea.

    1. Don't think so. They've chosen Orange T for trains, Blue B for Buses, Green F for Ferries and Red L for Light Rail.

  6. Coloured flower boxes always look great in a densely packed city that is made of concrete, glass and steel.

    Many European cities have colourful flower pots hanging from verandas and lamposts in public spaces, but we never managed that custom.

  7. I'm not sure what to think about the T, but I definitely like the colorful flowers!

  8. The flowers are a beautiful addition, the sign not so much. I prefer pictograms or the logo..

  9. Love the flowers and I must say not a fan of the T signs as I think for o/s visitors a pictogram is much better. Also I have never seen Martin Place with not a person in sight. Well done Jim!

    1. A quiet moment on a Sunday afternoon. It is rare though.


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