Thursday 17 April 2014

Arncliffe, St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Primary School

St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Primary School is located at the corner of Forest Road and Wardell Street, in the southern suburb of Arncliffe. The school began in 1911 in the adjacent convent of the Sisters of St Joseph. This building opened in 1912 as a church and school, with a second storey added in 1937.


  1. This is a serious bit of architecture. I bet it put the fear of God, and of the sisters, into the hearts of noisy 10 year old boys.

  2. There is something quite intimidating but fascinating about the facade of this building...

  3. This architecture seems to shout out dominance and discipline. Wishing you the best for Easter Jim.

  4. what a lucky parish to have this beautiful and long-standing school! one of our Catholic schools interior was condemned and finally torn down the 2nd year I taught in that parish. and the building in which I taught the next 10 years was in later years converted into St. Vincent de Paul charity shop and the three-parish soup kitchen. at that time, they bought a public school building which had been closed.

  5. I agree, it looks like a serious institution rather than a primary school. It certainly indicates how times and attitudes have changed!

    1. It was both a church and school in the early days until they built a separate church nearby, which I have also posted now.

  6. I always enjoy doors and windows with round tops. Thanks for sharing.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. Great photos. Hard to imagine it didn't start out with the second story. They did a great job when it was added. Thanks for sharing it in InSPIREd Sunday!


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