Thursday 5 June 2014

Museum of Contemporary Art, Warrang 2012

"Warrang 2012" is an artwork created by Brook Andrew located outside the Museum of Contemporary Art at The Rocks. An animated LED arrow, over two metres in length, sits in an alcove beside the museum's new wing entrance. It pulsates with a dynamic pattern of radiating rectangular shapes derived from the artist's mother's Wiradjuri ancestors. The arrow directs visitors to seven lines of poetry written by the artist and engraved into the concrete forecourt as a reminder of the heritage significance of the colonial naval docks located under the new wing.


  1. Can't say I like the idea of lights that pulsate but otherwise it looks good.

  2. Now that is a classy sign, but it does not surprise me being at an art museum.

  3. this one's super cool. love it.

    frankly my dear

  4. Looks like a great display. I wouldn't mind the pulsating light as long as it wasn't hugely bright/distracting.

    Thanks for your visit and comment on my signs/mural.


  5. Love that arrow... you can't miss it!

  6. I like the placement of the poem on the ground instead of the wall.


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