Tuesday 3 June 2014

The Rocks, railway substation

The Rocks railway substation and switchhouse is located on an escarpment above Trinity Avenue, in the inner city suburb of Dawes Point. This rendered brick, four-storey building was constructed in 1932 in the Inter-War Stripped Classical style. It was an original feature of the Sydney Harbour Bridge construction and part of the electrification of the Sydney suburban railway network.


  1. Love the tree, just beautiful.. The building looks similar to one in Baltimore.. Have a happy week!

  2. Replies
    1. It was a beautiful day yesterday and it is again today so I'll take my camera out at lunchtime. :)

  3. That is an 82-years old building and very interesting! thanks for sharing Jim! I also like your photo of the Sydney Harbour Bridge with the setting sun( or rising sun?) Anyway the colours are stunning.
    Have a great week.
    Wil, ABCW Team

    1. Which is the same age as the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Thanks. The sun setting behind the bridge produces the wonderful colours.

  4. Hi,
    That dazzling sky and the old building is a perfect combination!

  5. Great positioning of that tree!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

  6. I had to look hard to see that spot of red on the sign in the centre of the photo! ;)

    Please Visit My Star with Red Dots

  7. Neat shot. I love the Palm Tree and if you look closely the way the fence zig-zags as well. Nice building.


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