Friday 10 October 2014

Botanic Gardens, Tarpeian Way

This Ghost Gum tree is located at the edge of the Botanic Gardens near the Tarpeian Way Gate, viewed from the steps of the Sydney Opera HouseTarpeian Way is the pathway that runs along the edge of the steep cliff known as the Tarpeian Wall. When the rock at Bennelong Point was cut away in 1880, to build the road that now leads to the Opera House, the wall and the path were named after the Tarpeian Rock, which overlooks the Roman Forum.


  1. Jim, such an interesting does look ghostly.

  2. Those trees were there when Phillip sailed through in 1788, or so I am told.

  3. That is a great fence and thanks for telling us the history behind this shot.

  4. neat tree - and i like the pillars on the fence! thanks, jim!

  5. NObody does blue skies like you do! That walk looks fairly high on the difficulty scale ... the tree is beautiful.

  6. Intrigued by your wonderful photos, the historical info, and Peter's comment. Amazing to think the tree would have been there for several hundred years! The stories it could tell!

  7. Love that tree and what a terrific capture for the day, Jim! And such gorgeous blue, blue skies as always!! Have a great weekend!!

  8. Wonderful photo of the gum tree against the magnificent blue sky!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  9. What beautiful blue skies to showcase that tree. I've never heard of a Ghost tree before but I like it very much and the stone wall and fencing surrounding it. Such a lovely scene you captured here.

  10. how gorgeous is your blue sky. i'm envious.

  11. Ghost gums are such handsome trees, and always look terrific against the blue Australian sky.

  12. What a marvellous tree. And the blue of the sky sets it off perfectly.

  13. Nice photo, Botanical gardens are a wonderful place!

  14. Lovely blue sky as a backdrop to the beautiful tree and bridge.

  15. It looks like a very bright sunny day there.


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