Tuesday 2 December 2014

Alfred Street, Sydney Explorer

Sydney Explorer is a hop on–hop off tourist bus service that operates open-top double-decker bus tours around the Sydney Central Business District and out to Bondi Beach. It is seen here at the first stop on Alfred Street, close to Circular Quay.
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  1. Look at those colors! What a fun bus to hop on and off of.

  2. I enjoyed taking a trip on one of these buses in Sydney. The funny thing was that the driver was originally from the UK and his Mum lives a few streets away from me. He gave me a very good deal on the fare!

    1. Me too. I love sitting upstairs in the open air, watching the views en route to the next stop.

  3. We have very similar ones here, but they're done until spring.

  4. Looks like a great way for the tourists to get around! I like it!!

  5. A wonderful way to get around indeed!! We could use some of those here in Oregon!!! Have a great week, Jim!

  6. The idea of hop on/hop off tourist transportation is excellent. The red bus is pretty easy to spot.

  7. I take advantage of these hop on hop off buses. They answer my needs.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  8. Bonjour,

    Une petite balade en bus rouge doit ĂȘtre plaisant !...
    Gros bisous ♡

  9. This bus looks very much like our new Mornington Peninsula explorer/tourist bus. Very scenic.

  10. Couldn't miss that one coming down the street Jim.

  11. I love double-decker tour buses. I can't imagine sitting anywhere but on top. Great image for a Ruby Tuesday Too post. Have a blessed day.

  12. Sounds nice :-)
    A curiosity: A tiny place close to where I live in Norway also is called Bondi. A tiny lake called Bondi Lake, is in fact a a popular bathing (and fishing) spot! Sort of "Mini Bondi Beach". Bondi is a very old farm name, from before 1377, and means "a good place to live".

    1. Villrose, that's very interesting. Bondi (pronounced (BOND-eye) is an Aboriginal word meaning water breaking over rocks.


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