Sunday 11 January 2015

Hurlstone Park, Baptist Church

The Hurlstone Park Baptist Church is located on the corner of Griffith Street and Queen Street in the inner west suburb of Hurlstone Park. This heritage listed church built in 1933 is these days home to a Vietnamese congregation.


  1. Beautiful structure, and interesting that it is now home to Vietnamese folks. I'm sure they are very proud.

  2. Replies
    1. I can't seem to find any historical information about this church online so it will require another visit to look for any plaques or foundation stones to update this post.

  3. How wonderful that there is a dedicated Vietnamese congregation using that church. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great photo of a wonderful church. It would be interesting to know its history. I doubt it started off as a Baptist church particularly if it is old enough to be heritage listed. I would guess that it was probably a Presbyterian or Methodist Church or less likely a Congregational church which was sold off when they joined together as the United Church.

    1. Irene, I just found an article from the Australian Women's Weekly that announces the opening in July 1933 and mentions that it is the first Baptist Church to be built with a spire.

  5. A Vietnamese Baptist church sounds so different. There is this entry in Trove re Hurlstone Park Baptist Church - February 14 1933 - but is this old enough to make the building heritage listed? Is it, in fact, one and the same... not sure..

    1. Thanks for the link, Gemma. There are many inter-war buildings on the heritage list, as well as buildings from later decades.

  6. It seems to have a lot of character. I know of a Baptist church here that ended up in the hands of a Korean Christian denomination.

  7. With a church right on the corner, it's smart to have that metal barricade there. You never know about drivers these days!

    Ropy Shadows

  8. Nice mix of building materials. The copper roof on the steeple is set off nicely by all the red. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  9. love the spire. have a great week, Jim!! happy new year. don't think i ever said that to you yet. ( :

  10. Such interesting brick/stone on this church. The detail is great...

  11. The fancy brickwork does cast some interesting shadows!!

  12. I must say that the architecture of the churches in your neck of the woods is certainly grand!

  13. so many churches and all so beautiful! Thanks!

  14. My parents, Arthur Pinson & Gweneth Joan Pinson were married here in October 1938.

  15. Lived next door to the the church until I was 18, now 70. Attended Sunday school, Church was Baptisted and married there. A beautiful church and the marble font, if I remember correctly.


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