Tuesday 2 June 2015

Darlinghurst, Winns department store

The former Winns department store is located along Liverpool Street, in the inner city suburb of Darlinghurst. This heritage listed building was designed by John Reid and built in the Federation architectural style. The main entrance to this building was originally from Oxford Street via a set of steps and lane which have since been redeveloped. The store was redeveloped due to widening Oxford Street and again in 1972. It closed in 1982 and is now used for office and retail space.


  1. It is a beautiful building. It seem more fitting for an office space than a department store. Enjoy your Monday and the week ahead!

  2. Building looks beautiful. It seems that it has many space around....

  3. So glad they have redeveloped the property instead of tearing it down, Jim. Very sturdy looking architecture.

  4. The turrets, if that's the proper term, really make this building stand out.

  5. What a great building it is indeed and perfect against those wonderful blue, blue skies -- as always, Jim!! Hope you have a great week!

  6. I am glad you are photographing these buildings Jim. Who knows if they will be standing in the next century.

    1. Joe, hopefully the heritage listing protects them but sometimes even that is not enough.

  7. Those are some serious ornaments on the facade of that building. Very interesting how they seem to be suspended above the pavement.

  8. I am racking my meager brain to place this, I must have a walk.

    1. Peter, it's at the top of Yurong Street and just down the street from the Burdekin Hotel, at the Liverpool/Oxford intersection.

  9. My great Aunt worked there. Thank you Jim!

  10. I worked fpr Winns from May1970 to January 1974, I was the lay by girl. The customers were mainly elderly women which I am now. I don't remember exactly when but Winns relocated to the other side of Oxford Street and then to a new building in Redfern where I worked in the mail order department.. I left in January 1974 when I was expecting my first child, there was no maternity leave in those days so you just had to resign.


    1. Thanks for the insight into some of the history, Glenice.

  11. I used to sell newspapers at the bus stop in front of the Winns store. There was a kiosk, called "Steve's Smoke Bar" I used sell papers for Steve after school and then help him put the magazine racks away each night before he closed. I did that between 1967 - 1970. Winns was a great store. They had the best toy department and we also bought our School uniform and shoes etc there. There was another Department store just up the road a bit called Buckinghams- it burn't down! What a great era to live in and great place to live as well.

  12. My step mother Miss Gertrude Willis worked at Winns stores for 43 years retiring in 1969 she ended up a group.buyer working from Oxford Street she passed away in 1988 . She passed away with me in Canberra Heather Armstrong


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