Thursday 26 November 2015

Martin Place, banners

This view of Martin Place, past the three bowl fountains and the Commando Memorial Seat, is from the eastern side near Macquarie Street. The banners declare that the plaza at Martin Place is now a Smoke-Free Zone.


  1. That's quite a way to announce no smoking! Have a really special Thanksgiving Day.

  2. I like the depth in this shot.

    I'm not a smoker, but honestly, the relentlessness of the anti-tobacco lobby is appalling.

  3. The banners are an impressive way to get the point across to all people. I like it.

  4. Replies
    1. RedPat, if you click on the link you can see the view of the fountains in the other direction.

  5. The mini fountains are enchanting. And the banners seem to decorate the area well.


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