Sunday, 27 December 2015

St Mary's Cathedral, The Lights of Christmas

The facade of St Mary's Cathedral has been featuring "The Lights of Christmas", a light projection show which ran from 10 December 2015 until 25 December 2015, Christmas Night. This view is across Cathedral Square in Cook and Philip Park, near College Street. This year's theme was "Light is Life", since the United Nations has encouraged us to celebrate 2015, throughout the world, as the International Year of Light.
Click here to view all participants of InSPIREd Sunday


  1. Amazing lighting of the cathedral. It looks very interesting. Regards.

  2. Jim, I've been looking forward to your light show post. Happy New Year.

  3. How lovely! I would love to see that in person. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I think i saw these before on your blog. Amazing!

    1. Yes, it's become a tradition and they do this every year now for Christmas.

  5. Great lighting. I remember seeing similar light shows on your blog in past years.

  6. I don't know that 2015, throughout the world, was the International Year of Light. Most of 2015 was miserable, for a lot of the world :( Hopefully 2016 will be more peaceful for all of us.

    Love the cathedral!

  7. Interesting illuminations are on the temple
    Festive Greetings:) *

  8. Good Champagne,
    Glitter on his forehead,
    Smile on his face,
    Champagne fun
    Wishlist cordial,
    best of memories
    and lack hangover
    in the new year when the memory comes back !!!


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.