Tuesday 26 January 2016

Loftus Street, monument and flag

This sandstone plinth with a flagpole is located along Loftus Street, outside Customs House and opposite Jessie Street Gardens at Circular Quay. The plinth contains a plaque unveiled on the 26th January 1988 to commemorate the bicentenary of the founding of the colony of New South Wales while the flagpole flies the Union Jack flag. The plaque reads: This Flag Mast Was Erected To Commemorate The Location At Which The First Ceremony of Saluting The Flag By Captain Arthur Phillip R.N. And His Company Took Place To Mark The Foundation Of Australia On 26th January 1788. I chose to show this photo today because it is Australia Day, which celebrates this event.


  1. Happy Australia Day! I hope it is a relaxing, sun filled day of tennis, beaches and picnics. NO BUSH FIRES!

  2. Fitting for the occasion. Happy Australia Day!

  3. The facade of this building is very dignified.

    1. Yes, this is the side entrance but the facade really is beautiful.

  4. Gosh I hope to be able to visit Australia/NZ sometime. Cool place.
    Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/01/eat-your-greens-fruity-ones.html

  5. Your photos are always interesting and help to remind me of places I knew a long time ago. Thanks for sharing.

  6. A very good choice for today. Hope you had a good day.

  7. A very graphical photo, clear lines...
    Happy Australian Day

  8. Wonderful placement in front of the Custom's House, a very nice historic memorial.

  9. I really like the vertical and horizontal lines to this memorial, and the flagpole there in the middle really stands out Such a nice structure.


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