Thursday 11 February 2016

Chinatown, Lunar Lanterns, Goat

Lunar Lanterns have been installed around the city to celebrate the 20th anniversary of City of Sydney’s Chinese New Year Festival. In the Chinese zodiac, every year is symbolised by an animal and this year is the Year of the Monkey. The Goat lantern is located in the Dixon Street pedestrian mall near Little Hay Street in Chinatown, in Haymarket. It has been brought from Guangzhou, the city in Southern China, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the sister city agreement with Sydney signed in 1986. The Chinese Gardens in Sydney’s Darling Harbour were a gift to the people of Sydney from Guangzhou. Goats are wise, dependable and calm, as well as creative, compassionate and fond of the quiet life.


  1. goats, monkeys I can keep them straight

  2. Pretty lanterns! Great fence shot. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. that's cool! gotta keep that goat herd in place with a fence, too! :)

  4. What a great idea and this is a great photo.

  5. Yes this is a great photo. So full and color and right on theme. Have a great week-end.

  6. Wow that is so cool and colorful. I love that they've fence them in and would enjoy seeing more of these.

  7. Hmm, I don't think of the goat as calm.


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