Sunday 14 February 2016

Customs House Square, Lunar Lanterns, Rabbit

Lunar Lanterns have been installed around the city to celebrate the 20th anniversary of City of Sydney’s Chinese New Year Festival. In the Chinese zodiac, every year is symbolised by an animal and this year is the Year of the Monkey. Customs House Square in front of Customs House at Circular Quay featured 14 Rabbits in elegant silk waistcoats, practicing Tai Chi and one up on the balcony watching. The artist, Claudia Chan Shaw who is also the festival curator as well as author, fashion designer and television host, is seen here being interviewed. Rabbits are friendly, outgoing and prefer the company of others. They also have exquisite taste in both dress and the arts.


  1. Wow!

    I find myself wondering what the child in the second shot is thinking.

  2. An incredible subject for street art. Stunning poses and colours.

  3. Wow, I love all the Lunar New Year decorations you shared with us from Sidney Jim. Thanks!

  4. Jim this is fabulous! I love it! Happy Valentines Day!

  5. Hi Jim,

    Cute. Cute. Cute. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  6. Very colorful. Thanks for sharing with "Through My Lens"

    Mersad Donko Photography

  7. That is an amazing instillation. Looks great, but I thought the Chinese new year was the year of the monkey. Makes for a great photograph.

  8. So enjoyed seeing this. Never knew it exited. Very creative and different.

  9. this one is really nice, like it a lot.

  10. A unique display and so bright and bold. Thanks Jim!


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.