Tuesday 23 February 2016

Newtown, shops

These heritage listed buildings are located on the corner of King Street and Whateley Street, in the inner city suburb of Newtown. The three-storey C. Whatley commercial building was built in 1887 in the Victorian Free Classical architectural style. It now houses a Vietnamese restaurant and a travel agent. The two-storey former Government Savings Bank of New South Wales is a representative example of a Federation Free architectural style commercial building. It now houses a liquor shop.


  1. You have made me think I should take a trip to Newtown. It looks so much more interesting in your photos than when I'm driving through it, stuck in traffic.

    1. Lyn, sometimes we have to pause and take in our surroundings that we might take for granted in our busy everyday lives.

  2. I prefer the Federation Free style over the Victorian Free Classical style because the former looks Australian to my eyes. But I am so glad both are heritage protected.

  3. So often modern architecture lacks some of the classic touches that make historic buildings like this so special.
    Nice shot.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/02/every-10-minutes-someone-in-us-dies-of.html

  4. I love the architecture and am glad that it's appreciated and protected.

  5. Nice details! Would like to see these building from up close.

  6. I absolutely love old architecture. The details are so beautiful.

    Lisa @ Life Thru the Lens


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